Anti-corruption goals
We want to prevent bribery and corruption and therefore introduce this anti-corruption management system into the current management system. Its goals are measurable, achievable, monitored and published. This anti-corruption system will run alongside the current directives on money laundering and anti-social reporting.
Among the basic goals we recommend understanding the importance of honest work, adherence to the principle of non-corruption by employees and their personal commitment in the fight against corruption. The evaluation of the fulfillment of objectives will be performed continuously and according to the agreed deadlines. If the goals are not met, measures and sanctions will be set, we will document the fulfillment of the goals and we will inform about the status of the goals.
1. Commitment to the shareholdersa) we undertake to conduct business in accordance with the law, good morals and interests of the shareholders,
b) we undertake to protect the shareholders' property and accept responsibility for protecting the company's reputation,
c) we undertake to inform our shareholders regularly and truthfully
d) we are committed to providing accurate and true accounting reports,
e) we will avoid risky business and entrepreneurial contacts, contracts and transactions.
2. The company's goals against corruptionb) we undertake to protect the shareholders' property and accept responsibility for protecting the company's reputation,
c) we undertake to inform our shareholders regularly and truthfully
d) we are committed to providing accurate and true accounting reports,
e) we will avoid risky business and entrepreneurial contacts, contracts and transactions.
a) we systematically identify all corruption risks at all levels and positions in the company,
b) we increase awareness of corruption by activating anti-corruption behavior and actions of employees,
c) we set conditions for reporting suspected corruption that will not raise concerns about
d) increase the awareness of business partners and third parties about the possibilities of protecting whistleblowers.
b) we increase awareness of corruption by activating anti-corruption behavior and actions of employees,
c) we set conditions for reporting suspected corruption that will not raise concerns about
d) increase the awareness of business partners and third parties about the possibilities of protecting whistleblowers.
This Directive shall enter into force on 31.01.2020