
Metrological laboratory as an accredited calibration laboratory according to the ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 standard and an authorized metrological workplace according to Act no. 157/2018 Coll. on metrology offers:
  • verification of torque wrenches in the range of 2 - 1 100 Nm
  • verification of pressure gauges for measuring the pressure in motor vehicle tires in the range 0 - 20 bar
  • calibration of all types of torque wrenches in the range of 2 - 1100 Nm
  • calibration of pressure gauges for measuring the pressure in motor vehicle tires
  • collection / delivery of the meter in Nitra and by agreement also in Bratislava (0903 744 464)
  • reminder of the upcoming date of verification (calibration) of the meter (by e-mail, telephone)
The metrology laboratory holds decisions on:
  • ÚNMS SR authorization no .: UNMS / 00939 / 2020-900 / 004089/2020
  • SNAS accreditation No .: 045/8189/2020/1
Contact and place for handing over the meters:
Ing. Michal Marek
Metrological Laboratory
Štúrova 149 ( map )
949 01 Nitra
Collection point in Bratislava:
Panónska cesta 47 ( map )
851 04 Bratislava
mobile: 0903 744 464
Order Calibration or Verification