Technical vehicle verification service

Technical vehicle verification service

MDVRR SR authorization, ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, EEC/ECE 27/F notification
  • Type tests - Performance of type tests of vehicles, systems, components and separate technical units for the purposes of their approval in accordance with Act NR SR no. 106/2018 Coll. on the conditions for the operation of vehicles on land roads, as amended by other regulations.
  • Conformity tests - Verification of the conformity of vehicle types, systems, components and separate technical units for the purpose of their approval in accordance with Act NR SR no. 106/2018 Coll. on the conditions for the operation of vehicles on land roads, as amended by other regulations.
  • Tests of individually completed vehicles
  • Testing vehicles for the transport of disabled people (see downloadable list below)
  • Multi-step truck approval (see download list below)
  • Multi-stage approval vehicle testing (see downloadable list below)
  • Tests of individually imported vehicles from EU contracting countries, individually manufactured or individually rebuilt vehicles for their approval by the District Office for Transport and Land Communications, including the development of drafts of their ZTO.
  • Tests of individually imported vehicles from third countries
  • Tests of individually imported passenger vehicles (category M1) with right-hand drive - we can also perform tests in the form of a trip within the Slovak Republic. Right-hand drive vehicle test (see download list below).
  • Homologation tests - Professional performance of tests of mass-produced or imported road vehicles according to special regulations: EC directives and UNECE regulations in their current version.
  • Tests of individually rebuilt vehicles
  • Inspections of ADR vehicles
DEKRA Slovensko s.r.o. will ensure homologations according to all current UNECE directives and regulations within the international group DEKRA International, GmbH.
Other vehicle tests:
  • STN 30 0522 - weight control test of road vehicles
  • Amendment of the MD on determining the smokiness of diesel engines of vehicles in operation
  • Amendment of the MD on determining the level of internal noise of motor vehicles
  • According to the client's requirements, e.g. tests for motoring periodicals
The results of the mentioned tests are recognized by the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic as a basis for the approval of types of road vehicles, systems, components or separate technical units in accordance with Act NR SR no. 106/2018 Coll. as amended by other regulations.
Consulting fees €65/hour. The first 15 minutes do not count.
DEKRA Slovensko s.r.o.
Polianky 19
841 01 Bratislava